In October 2020 the Greener NHS released a report detailing plans to become the world’s first ‘net zero’ health service by 2040. Building on work being done by trusts across the country, Greener NHS is sharing ambitious plans and ideas on how to reduce the impact on public health and the environment and also save the NHS money.

In addition to work within the NHS, there are many UK and international organisations working at the intersection of climate and health.
UK-based organisations:
Sustainable Development Unit – A unit set up to embed sustainability in the NHS and care system. Funded by and accountable to, NHS England and Public Health England.
Centre for Sustainable Healthcare – Oxford based charity leading on sustainable healthcare in research and practice, often alongside the NHS
UK Health Alliance on Climate Change (UKHACC) -An alliance of 21 UK health organisations advocating for climate action to protect health
Medact – UK based charity supporting clinicians in addessing social and political aspects of health
Healthy Planet UK – UK grass-roots group of students and young people raising awareness and advocating on environmental change and health
Fossil Free Health – Campaign by Medact with partners Healthy Planet UK, working with major UK health institutions to divest
Planetary Health Report Card – A student-led initiative to engage medical schools in Planetary health and Sustainable Healthcare teaching and wider initatives
Doctors for XR – A branch for Doctors of the non-violent protest group Extinction Rebellion
Green Impact – A toolkit for GP practices to work through, set up by the RCGP
Greener Practice – Resources and ideas from GPs for use in General Practice, with networking opportunities
SEE Sustainability – An environmental sustainability consultancy created by a GP. Hosts resources useful for healthcare settings.
International organisations:
Global Climate and Health Alliance
Health and Environment Alliance
Alliance of Nurses for a Healthy Environment (ANHE)
Irish Doctors for the Environment
US Climate and Health Alliance
OraTaiao (New Zealand Climate and Health Alliance)
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE)