Anyone who is part of Health Declares is welcome to join the Hub and help us to organise and grow Health Declares. We are keen for involvement regardless of your profession, experience, or time you can commit. Please get in touch.
How the hub works
We have a ‘hub’ and ‘spokes’ – the central ‘hub’ team works nationally and connects and supports the spoke groups, as well as acting as a forum for them to share ideas and learning.
‘Spokes’ are local or specialty-focused groups which organise semi-independently of the Hub but in line with Health Declares’ overarching aims and values, aiming to mobilise other health professionals within their spheres of influence and to lobby their NHS, professional and representative organisations to declare emergency and take action.

Infographic showing ways of getting involved with Health declares
A-Individual level
B -Local level
C-National level
We are committed to and actively work towards being inclusive, non-hierarchical and anti-racist. Discrimination in any form is not tolerated.
We recognise that members are giving their voluntary time and any individual’s capacity will vary. We respect one another’s time and are flexible.
We are transparent with our decision making. The Hub group discusses & makes decisions on the broad strategy of Health Declares. All meetings are minuted and shared.